System Updates: Version 3.3.17

Read about the latest improvements and features we've added to the Salon by Premier Software product.

New Features and Changes

We regularly introduce new features into our software products. The following new features or changes have been included in this release.

Client Consulation Form - Client Contact Details

The Online Client Consultation form now also includes an entry field for the client to enter their Home telephone number.

Our ref: SBP-361


We regularly review client feedback and support issues. The following items have been resolved in this release.

Applying Discounts through Amend Receipts

We have resolved an issue with applying discounts to multiple appointments on one bill, through Amend Receipts. If an appointment had been Future Paid, billed and departed on the day of the appointment, and then an attempt made to apply a discount to the transaction in Amend Receipts, the transaction would have previously failed. The discount now applies correctly.

Our ref: SBP-873

Appointment booking - Select client speed

We have made speed improvements when selecting a client and returning to the booking screen

Our ref: SBP-935

Appointment Cancellation

When cancelling appointments, the system now takes you back to the diary instead of the deleted / cancelled appointment. This prevents the cancelled appointment remaining in the diary.

Our ref: SBP-926

Appointment Type Selection

On the first screen when selecting the appointment type during appointment booking, the system now populates the reasons table if there are any reasons for why the appointment cannot be booked

Our ref: SBP-921


On the home screen, when the user selects a date on the calendar for a different month, the calendar now moves to that month correctly.

Our ref: SBP-941

Client Sale - Message board

When performing a client sale, the message board icons light up when entering the till screen without having to add a bill lline to the bill.

Our ref: SBP-942

Client Search by Phone Numbers

We have implemented the a fix, so that clients that have spaces in their phone numbers can now be searched correctly in the client search.

Our ref: SBP-950

Departed Package

We have removed the ability to erroneously change the client on a departed package

Our ref: SBP-937

future Payment discounts

We have fixed an issue that arose when future paying multiple appointments, where the initial appointment had a manual promotional discount and then other appointments had automatic discounts. The reason dropdown now shows the automatic discount correctly in the reason column, where this previously did not work correctly.

Our ref: SBP-933

Issue With Internal Appointment in rotas

When amending the staff rota, we have resolved an issue when adding an internal appointment that starts at the same time as an appointment on the diary. The system no longer overwrites the appointment and shows a report of the clash

Our ref: SBP-930


When paying for a bill line with loyalty and applying a discount to the line, the system now correctly retains loyalty as the payment method.

Our ref: SBP-936

Online Future Appointments

The user can now set a start date for a new appointment type and the system will then allow customers to book future appointments Online, for dates after the appointment type start date.

Our ref: SBP-903

Package Booking

We have resolved an issue where when double clicking on the package name when booking a package quickly, there is no longer an error.

Our ref: SBP-945

Package Booking New Client

When creating a new client in the appointment search / Package booking screen, once the package is booked the system now takes you back to the packages screen rather than the new client screen

Our ref: SBP-943

Package Details

We have updated the package screen, so that the ‘time’ label appears correctly.

Our ref: SBP-928

Package Reset Search

When ‘reset search’ is clicked when booking a package, we have hidden the advanced scheduling button until the search has been completed again

Our ref: SBP-934

Pay Linked Appointments

When booking multiple linked appointments and clicking pay now, the system now correctly pulls through all of the available linked appointments.

Our ref: SBP-940

Save bill Discount

When amending the discount reason and then saving a bill, the system now correctly loads the correct percentage discount when opening the bill back up

Our ref: SBP-929

Speed up drag and drop appointments

We have made additional speed improvements to dragging and dropping internal appointments on the diary.

Our ref: SBP-947

Stock Order All

We have removed the option for All suppliers when creating a stock order, as you cannot create a single order for all suppliers.

Our ref: SBP-949

Stock Order editing

When amending stock orders, we have added the ability to add additional items to the existing order form as well as amending the existing line quantities

Our ref: SBP-948

Voucher Sale Barcode

We have resolved an issue when scanning a barcode into the barcode field on the right hand side of a the voucher sale screen, to prevent the application crashing if a none numerical value is entered.

Our ref: SBP-946