System Updates: Version 2.13.21

Read about the latest improvements and features we've added to the Core by Premier Software product.


We regularly review client feedback and support issues. The following items have been resolved in this release.

Appointment Drag & Drop in Core Cloud

Reception will now show the appointment slot when dragging & dropping in the Diary and Reservation Scheduling screens in Core Cloud.

Our ref: CBP-3254

Clients Feature on Cloud Web Platform

It is now possible to access the Clients feature on the web platform when you have logged in using Microsoft single sign-on to Core Cloud.

Our ref: CBP-3262

Create New Season from Existing Season

Fixed a crash caused by copying a season to a new season when there are lots of additional items associated to the original season. Also allow for the suer to copy a season for a different course than the one selected.

Our ref: CBP-2515

Duplicated Membership Type descriptions not warned

Warn user of conflicting Membership Type descriptions on entry

Our ref: CBP-2590

Entering Prices in Core Cloud

It is now possible to enter prices in Core when running in the cloud without having to change the keyboard settings before launching an application.

Our ref: CBP-3273

EPOS Departures

Fixed a bug that would depart all items on a reservation even when selecting only specific items to be departed

Our ref: CBP-3260

Errors when posting transactions to hotel PMS over the API

Errors that occur when a financial posting occurs across the API (e.g. from Journey e-commerce) will now be returned with more detail, and posted into our centralised reporting platform, Sentry.

Our ref: CBP-3288

Export To Excel

We have added the export to excel buttons for the Trading summary and Income centre summary reports

Our ref: CBP-3250

FIx issue with Arrival and Departure dates

Fixed an issue where you were able to set the departure date to be before the arrival date in certain circumstances.

Our ref: CBP-2741

Fixed issue with printing group activities

Fixed an issue where the order of the waiting list on the group activity printout would show the clients in alphabetical order rather than the order they booked on

Our ref: CBP-2633

Golf courses created with incorrect last tee time intervals

New golf courses are now created with the last tee interval set correctly, based off the first tee time and interval. This prevents issues setting tee times in the season afterward.

Our ref: CBP-3280

Improved printing from Core Cloud

It is now possible to print using local printers from Core in the Cloud without having to download and print a PDF document. This requires some additional software installing on your local environment - please contact the support or implementations team.

Our ref: CBP-3232

Mail order search

We have amened the Mail order search inline with the client search so if you enter a,b it will return all mail orders with the surname starting with a and where the first name starting with b.

Our ref: CBP-3257

Medical Questionnaire

for cloud users, when completing a medical questionnaire in CORE, it no longer shows a message that it cannot connect to the database.

Our ref: CBP-3256

Speed Improvements

Changes to improve speed of opening the reports page and moving between report selections.

Improved performance of loading the diary in some situations

Our ref: CBP-3249

Tax and Allocation codes

we have implemented a fix that was preventing certain allocation codes from being amended.

Our ref: CBP-3277