System Updates: Version 2.13.14

Read about the latest improvements and features we've added to the Core by Premier Software product.


We regularly review client feedback and support issues. The following items have been resolved in this release.

Added duplication checking for voucher purchases

Added duplication checking for voucher purchases to prevent duplicate purchases from occurring

Our ref: CBP-3015

API Appointment Availability Incorrect

Correctly return appointment availability from API

Our ref: CBP-3037

Confirmed appointments remain locked

Resolved an issue where “Confirmed” appointments would remain locked in the database, after being exited

Our ref: CBP-3016

Creating a reservation without a departure date in the API

It's now required to pass a departure date when creating a reservation in the API

Our ref: CBP-3013

Fix 'ClientRefs must be unique when entered on Arrival Screen'

It is no longer possible to assign an existing client reference to a different client on the Arrivals screen

Our ref: CBP-3027

Online Statement for Membership Additional Items

Changed how the system records online purchased Membership Additional items so that they are correctly displayed with their description on the online statement

Our ref: CBP-3019

Anything Else

Any other items that do not fit into the above sections.

Removing a player that has paid - no prompt to refund

Our ref: CBP-2980