System Updates: Version 2022.11.23

Read about the latest improvements and features we've added to the Online (Next-Generation) by Premier Software product.


We regularly review client feedback and support issues. The following items have been resolved in this release.

Golf online booking failing to create a new booking

Prevented issue with creating a booking when the URL had incorrect capitol and lower case letters

Our ref: CLONLINE-5

Members Tee Sheet

When logged in as a member and booking a Tee sheet, internal appointments were being grouped on the same line instead of the slots they were meant to be, this has been resolved so all appointment show at the correct times

Our ref: CLONLINE-52

Administration Portal
Authentication in Administration Portal

It's no longer possible to access the administration portal without logging in.

Our ref: CLONLINE-2

Members Portal
Edit Booking

Fixed bug where editing a player would edit the wrong player

Our ref: CLONLINE-48

Edit booking broken link

Fixed broken link when attempting to edit a booking from the Members profile

Our ref: CLONLINE-1

Tee Booking
Edit booking broken link

Fixed broken link when attempting to edit a booking from the Members profile

Our ref: CLONLINE-1