System Updates: Version 2.13.19

Read about the latest improvements and features we've added to the Core by Premier Software product.

New Features and Changes

We regularly introduce new features into our software products. The following new features or changes have been included in this release.

Application File Backup

We have improved the performance of the application file backup taken during an update.

Our ref: CBP-3236


We regularly review client feedback and support issues. The following items have been resolved in this release.

Added a warning when trying to run EoD/EoS

Added a warning to End of Day/Shift when there are clipboard items left in the diary

Our ref: CBP-3215

Amending Receipts and Bill Payments

Duplicate bill payments are no longer created when a bill is amended in Amend Receipts and the payment value is not changed.

Our ref: CBP-3214

API: Group Activity Types endpoint returning end time

The GET /GroupAppointmentType endpoint now returns the end time of an activity as well as the start time.

Our ref: CBP-3100

Arrivals Speed

We have optimised the processs of accessing the Arrivals Screen in Core Reception

Our ref: CBP-3177

Client Card Auto-Discounts in API

The API now correctly returns appropriate client card type automatic discounts in the appointment search endpoints.

Our ref: CBP-3151

Course Refund to Prepayment

We have made an amendment to the calculation when amending the course items on the client card to prepayment so that the client no longer appears on the pre payments outstanding report.

Our ref: CBP-3038

End Of day

We have implemented speed improvements to the loading of the report during the End Of Day Process

Our ref: CBP-3194

End of day failing to post to Rezlynx

End of days now post successfully to the Rezlynx PMS when a membership payment has been paid by a payment method that is configured to post as a negative sale instead of a payment.

Our ref: CBP-3206

Facility Search Availability

When returning availability for Facilities, it now shows the correct discounted prices for the client ID passed in.

Our ref: CBP-3185

Fix 'ClientRefs must be unique when entered on Arrival Screen'

It is no longer possible to assign an existing client reference to a different client on the Arrivals screen

Our ref: CBP-2589

Fixed issue when doing a DD run

Fixed an issue with a DD run where the membership renewal date wouldn't be pushed forward if a run was done after the date passed.

Our ref: CBP-3050

Fixed issue with On-Account Item Report

Fixed an issue where the on-account item report would only load a handful of items instead of the full list that was selected

Our ref: CBP-3052

Future Payments Outstanding Report

We have added the appointment start date and time to the report to assist with identifying which appointment the future payment is for

Our ref: CBP-3156

General Menu Security

We have amended the sub menu on Administrator to apply permissions for the security profile of the user logged in

Our ref: CBP-2953

Identifying Reservation Clients on Arrival Screen

It is no longer possible to identify a client on a reservation on the Arrivals screen that is on another reservation that overlaps. This ensures the Identify Client feature on the Arrivals screen is consistent with the Identify Client on the Schedule tab in the Reservation screen.

Our ref: CBP-3064

Improved Performance of Couple's Treatments with Contra-Indications

We have improved the performance and stability of Core when booking couple's treatments on a reservation where there are contra-indication rules configured.

Our ref: CBP-3196

Issue updating bookings made Online

Tee bookings made online now show the players that were added to the booking correctly.

Our ref: CBP-3201

Linking Members

We have resolved an issue preventing clients in some edge cases from being linked

Our ref: CBP-3188

New Stock Item

When creating a new stock item, we have disabled the Update allocated Sites button until the stock item has been created and this was causing the application to throw an exception

Our ref: CBP-3212

On Hold periods

Fixed an issue where on hold periods would not persist from one membership to another when updated

Our ref: CBP-2498

Outstanding Items on Account in Client API

The client API endpoint GET /Client/{id}/OnAccountItems no longer includes items that have been fully paid off (no outstanding value.)

Our ref: CBP-3097

Pre Payment

We have corrected the value of pre payment that shows on the client card when they have paid for a membership using pre payment

Our ref: CBP-2566

Prepayments Causing Imbalance on Trading Summary Report

Prepayments no longer cause a payment method imbalance on the Trading Summary report when the bill balances to zero with another payment method as well as prepayment.

Our ref: CBP-3200

Reservation payments taken online for appointments

Payments taken for additional items (appointments, groups, facilities) on a reservation are now recorded correctly in Core.

Our ref: CBP-3213

Reservations Booked Report

We have optimised the performance of the Reservations Booked Report

Our ref: CBP-3025

Reservations linking bookings at a different site

Reservations booked at one site no longer pull through appointments and group activities that are booked at a different site.

Our ref: CBP-3157